Lookout Mountain - Golden, CO

Colorado cycling is on another level.  In the Denver area, Lookout Mountain probably the most popular training ride, but there are tons of routes to choose from.  We'll post some spin-offs of this one soon. 

It's pretty easy to get to Lookout Mountain from downtown Denver.  This particular route leaves from LoHi and ascends the east side of Lookout Mountain but you can add it to any ride out of Denver or hit the west side from a different loop.  

Lookout Mountain itself is a 4.5-mile climb with an average gradient of 5.4% that starts in Golden, Colorado.  Golden, CO is home to Coors Brewing Company--if you don't see the brewery on your way in because you're heads down riding fast, I can assure you, you will smell it.  

Anyway, the climb begins on a quiet residential street, but soon turns onto a two-lane road that climbs steadily upward with fun switchbacks pretty much the whole way. As you make your way up the mountain, the views become more and more impressive, with sweeping vistas of The Rocky Mountains.  

The descent can be pretty technical but it's a ton of fun - be safe. 

Lookout Mountain Climb:

  • 4.5 miles
  • 1,280 ft elevation gain
  • 5.4% average grade

Strava Route Link for GPX Download

Photo by Daniel Radel

Route from Nathan Bodenstein

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