The case for a vehicle travel bike cover:

If you're like us, you bring your bike wherever you go.  Whether it's a cycling trip or a weekend getaway, the bike is coming along for, well, the ride. 

We'd prefer to store our precious bikes inside the car when we travel, but rarely is this possible.  Kids, pets, luggage, or bringing multiple bikes means something's gotta go on the outside of the vehicle....and I haven't seen anyone traveling with their baby or dog on a bike rack (please don't try this).  So sometimes, maybe always, our bikes are forced to travel naked on the outside of our vehicle.  

One often overlooked yet essential accessory, especially for cyclists who've invested a lot of dough into their bikes, is a vehicle travel bike cover.  

Whether you're driving to the mountains to tackle a new Strava segment, carpooling regularly to races, or just bringing your bike to Thanksgiving to burn some calories before pigging out and watching football, using a bike cover can make a significant difference in bike performance and longevity.  In this article, we'll explore the practical reasons why investing in a bike cover is vital for every cyclist, regardless of how frequently you travel with your bike. 


Minimizing Frequent Maintenance:

Traveling with your bike on a bike rack exposes it to rain, dust, dirt, salt, road debris, construction hazards, chemicals, oils etc.  Without a cover, these elements can seep into sensitive parts, causing increased wear and tear on your components.  A bike cover acts as a shield, protecting your bike from these contaminants. With reduced exposure to dirt, grime and everything else out there, your bike will require less frequent maintenance, ensuring that it remains in top condition for longer periods.  

Preserving Speed and Performance:

A clean bike is a fast bike. When your bike is covered during travel, it stays free from the hazards listed above, allowing it to maintain optimal speed and performance. Even minor accumulations of dirt and grime can create more friction, causing you to be less efficient in the saddle. 

Protecting Against Physical Damage:

Besides protecting your bike from the elements, a bike cover acts as a shield against cosmetic damage. During transit, your bike might be exposed to scratches, dings, or scrapes. A cover provides an additional layer of protection, safeguarding your bike's frame and components from potential damages caused by external factors or minor parking lot accidents.   

Extending the Lifespan of Your Bike:

We like to forget how much we've really spent on our bikes, but we can all agree that we invest a lot into them.  And we are rightly incredibly protective of them. Many of us will sell our old bikes when we upgrade.  A bike cover preserves the value of your bike and extends its longevity so you can enjoy it and pass it on at a decent price.  


Using a bike cover also conceals your expensive ride from the opportunistic thief - and provides peace of mind when traveling in unfamiliar areas.  


Using a bike cover when traveling with your bike on a bike rack is an effortless way to minimize maintenance, preserve speed, and extend the lifespan of your bike.  It will quickly become an indispensable travel accessory.  Your bike will thank you on the road.  

So don't be a streaker, cover your bike with a Roadie Bag. 

If you found this article helpful, please feel free to share it.  No bike should have to travel naked again!

- Dan R.

@George – yes! We just shipped the first batch of covers out a few weeks ago and are starting to collect reviews. Head to the home page or Roadie Travel Bike Cover product page to read the reviews. I am the founder – if you drop us your email I’d be happy to reach out and answer any questions you may have.

- George

Are they any reviews available?

- Lance A

When can I buy one?

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